These items are shipped directly from the supplier and can take from 5 to 10 days from the point of order to be delivered to your desired delivery address.
Please Note : At least 1 able bodied person may be required to help with the off-loading of the parcel.
Please Note: UK and Ireland shipping only-additional charges may occur but the customer will be contacted before processing.
Combination junior netball and basketball unit. Ideal for primary and junior schools.
Ideal for primary and junior schools
Combination junior netball and basketball unit
Complete junior size netball and basketball unit
Adjustable from 6' to 8' (1.8 to 2.45m)
15' (38cm) Steel netball ring and net
18' (45cm) Steel basketball ring and ring
Rectangular melamine backboard measuring 36' x 24' (90x60cm)
Simple to erect, wheels for easy movement
Requires 40kg of ballast for maximum stabilty - not provided
Assembly instructions provided
Weight 40kg
Sure Shot Compact Hoops Combo Basketball / Netball Unit