These items are shipped directly from the supplier and can take from 5 to 10 days from the point of order to be delivered to your desired delivery address.
Please Note:At least 1 able bodied person may be required to help with off-loading of the parcel.
Please Note: UK and Ireland shipping only-additional charges may occur but the customer will be contacted before processing.
The 63500 unit is an affordable in-ground unit designed specifically for home use.
The 63500 unit is an affordable in-ground unit designed specifically for home use
Durable polypropylene fan shaped board 44' x 28' (100 x 78cm)
18' (45cm) Powder coated ring - 63203E
Compatible with 215 flex ring
Complete with white nylon 12 loop net
3' round steel pole with rigid extension arm
U Bolt system allows the ring to be set at any height
Must be set in concrete
Size 23' x 23' x 23' (60cm x 60cm x 60cm)
Backboard and ring replacement available-63505 and 63203e
Installation instructions provided
Weight 27kg
Sure Shot All-In-One Combination Basketball System